Traffic Calming plans Cuckfield

News from Cuckfield Parish Council - June 2023

Traffic Calming in Cuckfield
The Parish Council is undertaking a survey to gather views on some proposed 20mph zones in Cuckfield, as well as gathering suggestions and thoughts you may have regarding other traffic calming options around the village. Please take the time to complete the online survey with your feedback:
The form will take no longer than five minutes to complete. The outcome of the survey will be published by the Parish Council later in the year. Thank you.

Silver Sunday

One thing the Parish Council has been trying to improve is the provision of activities for the community to join in with. Over the past several years we have made Silver Sunday a regular bi-annual event at the Queen’s Hall. Aimed at those who are in need of come company and conversation, who perhaps feel a little isolated and lonely at times, Silver Sunday is a free to attend event where we provide food and drink and entertainment. For the first time, thanks to the kind generosity of our High Street retailers who donated some wonderful prizes, we offered a raffle to those in attendance. With the Cuckoo Choir providing a sing-along opportunity, this is becoming a must-attend event for those older members of our community. The next one is booked for Sunday 24th September so make a note in your diary to come along, especially if you’ve not been before. Watch out for posters nearer the date.

Please click the provided pictures to enlarge the full newsletter or turn to page 32 and 33 of June’s Cuckfield Life magazine.