Cuckfield Parish Council News

Cuckfield Parish Council's June 2024 newsletter

Helping Cuckfield’s Biodiversity

Would you like to help protect and enhance Cuckfield’s wildlife and to make the parish an even better place for nature to flourish?
The Parish Council has recently agreed to produce a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP), partly in response to the recent State of Nature report that showed that in the UK, of the species studied since 1970, there has been an average decline of 19% with 43% of birds, 31% of amphibians and reptiles, 28% of fungi and lichen and 26% of terrestrial mammals at risk of being lost.
A BAP can be wide ranging but the initial aim would be to establish some baseline data for the parish’s habitats and wildlife and then devise some practical actions to help. These could be at habitat level such as grass verges, gardens or hedges or at species level, for instance butterflies (White Admiral), birds (Swift), mammals (Hedgehog) or amphibians (Newts) but can all be determined at a later date.
Ongoing monitoring will be key but should provide opportunities for participation, with potential for citizen science projects that might be undertaken by schools or other groups while Greener Cuckfield will also be on hand to help with some of the implementation.
However, the most important part of any BAP is the interaction with the local community, so if you do have an interest or local knowledge of wildlife or particular species, it would be great to hear from you, especially if you are a landowner or have any involvement or connection with land in the parish. Please email adrian.

To read the full newsletter, please click on the images to enlarge them or pick up a copy of June’s Cuckfield Life.

Cuckfield's speed limit survey and a Parish Council update 2024

Click to enlarge

20mph zones in Cuckfield survey

Back in the summer last year, the Parish Council ran a survey to ask for feedback regarding traffic calming measures within Cuckfield with a particular focus on 20mph zones as these are actively encouraged by West Sussex County Council’s Speed Limit Policy which was updated in 2022.

Due to the amazing response that showed considerable support for the idea, the Parish Council has reviewed the suggestions and created a new survey to establish whether there would be support for specific 20mph roads within the centre of Cuckfield, specifically London Lane, part of Broad Street, the High Street and South Street.

We would love to hear your thoughts on this. Please could you complete the new survey if you have not already done so:
The more responses we receive, the better the evidence base will be for presenting to WSCC – whether this is in favour of or against the proposal. This is your opportunity to have a voice regarding the traffic issues within the village.

Cuckfield Parish Council Newsletter - Sept 23

Cuckfield Parish Council Newsletter - Sept 23

Cuckfield Advent Windows
Cuckfield Parish Council is excited to announce our first Christmas Advent Calendar for 2023. Get into the Christmas spirit by creating a festive display in one of your front windows facing the street which is visible to passing traffic and pedestrians. The scene can be made with crepe paper or whatever you want to use, and back lit so it’s visible to all. Running from 1st – 24th December, we’re looking for 24 windows to sign up to take part in this year’s event. Each participant will be assigned a number and asked to unveil and light their window at 6pm on that Advent day. Windows are asked to remain lit until at least 9pm. We can have more than one window per date, subject to the number of entries received. All are invited to take part, including homes, shops, businesses and pubs. The only theme is ‘Christmas’. All windows will be lit on 24th December to mark the night before Christmas and to bring the village together. A map will be published online at the end of November to allow those who wish to see the windows to plan their route. We will also share a photo of each window as it is unveiled on its Advent date. Please apply with your name, address and available dates by 10th November to: We look forward to hearing from you!

To read the whole newsletter, please click the pictures to enlarge or pick up your September copy of Cuckfield Life today and turn to page 36.