Green Tree Gallery

Green Tree Gallery's 10th birthday!

Green Tree Gallery support Chestnut Tree House

The Green Tree Gallery, run by Jill Housby and Cuckfield resident Samantha Phillips, has just launched a new spring exhibition supporting Sussex children’s hospice, Chestnut Tree House. In order to raise awareness of the charity’s work in Mid Sussex, the exhibition is titled ‘Through the Eyes of a Child’ and was recently opened by local MP Sir Nicholas Soames.

The exhibition is the focal point of the gallery’s year-long support of the charity and is a fitting way to celebrate the gallery’s 10th birthday. Jayne Todd, community fundraiser at Chestnut Tree House, said: “It is really exciting working with Sam and Jill throughout this year, as we also celebrate our 15th birthday in 2018.”

‘Through the Eyes of a Child’ runs until Saturday 12th May at The Green Tree Gallery – open Tuesday-Saturday, see for opening times or call 01444 456560 for more information.