Green Tree Gallery's 10th birthday!

Green Tree Gallery support Chestnut Tree House

The Green Tree Gallery, run by Jill Housby and Cuckfield resident Samantha Phillips, has just launched a new spring exhibition supporting Sussex children’s hospice, Chestnut Tree House. In order to raise awareness of the charity’s work in Mid Sussex, the exhibition is titled ‘Through the Eyes of a Child’ and was recently opened by local MP Sir Nicholas Soames.

The exhibition is the focal point of the gallery’s year-long support of the charity and is a fitting way to celebrate the gallery’s 10th birthday. Jayne Todd, community fundraiser at Chestnut Tree House, said: “It is really exciting working with Sam and Jill throughout this year, as we also celebrate our 15th birthday in 2018.”

‘Through the Eyes of a Child’ runs until Saturday 12th May at The Green Tree Gallery – open Tuesday-Saturday, see for opening times or call 01444 456560 for more information.