
Poster campaign to slow drivers down

At the beginning of April, the Rose and Crown pub ran a children’s poster competition with the aim of trying to help reduce the speed of the traffic on London Road. The reason for the campaign was due to the concern expressed by local parents at the speed in which some of the cars seemed to be travelling through the village during the ‘stay at home’ period. They then suggested that perhaps some of the local children might like to design a ‘Slow Down’ poster in the hope that their efforts would encourage drivers to reduce their speed when driving through the village. Owner of the pub, James Clark explained: “The idea came from a discussion that I had with my parents one evening over dinner. We were talking about the traffic on the roads and how, although it appeared to be quieter in lockdown, the cars that were driving through the village were driving much faster. So we contacted the Parish Council to ask for their help after which we joined heads and asked the children in the village to create some colourful posters that could be put up around the area as part of a speed awareness poster campaign.”

Read more in July’s issue of Cuckfield Life Magazine.

Be speed-aware in Cuckfield

Speedwatch campaign in Cuckfield

By Jill Butler

Members of the Cuckfield group ran a Speedwatch session at Whitemans Green during the summer using a specially calibrated device from Sussex Police that is effective from up to half a mile distance away. 

We chose Whitemans Green because dog walkers and children have difficulty crossing the road to use the playing fields/skateboard park. As with the last time we ran a session here, about 10% were speeding and pedestrians thanked us for making drivers more aware of the limit.

Most drivers did slow down when they saw our hi-vis jackets, and we are happy about this because the aim is to educate drivers. We noted that drivers setting a good example successfully slowed up all the traffic behind them. So, keep it up Cuckfield residents!

The number of vehicles were counted in one hour was 296 and 28 cars were noted to be driving above 35mph. Their details have been logged on the Community Speedwatch site and Sussex Police will send letters to the drivers as well as checking their tax and insurance. 

We ran another session in August by the Rose and Crown pub and noted seven cars driving too fast. Sussex Police have since advised us that two of the cars we reported on our previous session didn’t have any tax.

We aim to pop up in various Police-approved sites around the village throughout the year. If you have one or two hours a month free and would like to join our group, please send an email to info@ cuckfield.org.