remodelling golf course

Cuckfield Golf Course - remodelling using landfill

(Article taken from Cuckfield Life's Parish Council Newsletter)

Remodelling using inert landfill proposal

Cuckfield Parish Council and Ansty & Staplefield Parish Council hosted a public meeting for the community and all interested parties to discuss the proposed plans for the remodelling of Cuckfield Golf course using Inert landfill. The application has a potential for major impact on both villages and the respective Parish Councils wanted to give the community the opportunity to understand the proposals.

It is important to understand the matter is not a formal planning application at this stage, with the final decision being made by West Sussex County Council. 

Both Parish Councils asked the applicant to share the proposal and to listen to feedback from the community. 

The meeting was held at the Village Hall on Monday 20th November and was well attended by over 150 members of the community putting forward a robust set of questions to the proposals. 

Community concerns were raised over a number of topics, including the quantity and frequency of HGV movements to bring in the landfill required for remodelling, numerous environmental issues on the landscape and the type of material being bought in.

The economic feasibility was also challenged along with the significant disruption to adjacent businesses and neighbours.

The applicant and Golf Club owner, Robert Dickman, explained the golf club needed investment and remodelling of the course to attract new members and attract tournaments and competitions. 

Paul Taylor of PT-CE Limited represented the agents acting on behalf of Cuckfield Golf Course and provided an overview on the plans, landscape and design, ecology and HGV traffic considerations. The meeting concluded after 2½ hours with the applicant taking away the community concerns before they submit a planning application.

All the applicants and WSCC documentation and scoping documentation is available on the Parish Council website and Facebook page. A recording of the public meeting is also available at

The Parish Council will continue to monitor the situation and provide further updates via the website and newsletter.