local am-dram

February's double bill of drama in Cuckfield


Cuckfield Dramatic Society is staging two plays in a thrilling double bill performance later this month – The Browning Version by Terence Rattigan and Dirty Business by Derek Webb.

Directed by Emma Gosling, The Browning Version, often considered to be Rattigan’s finest masterpiece, tells the story of a British schoolmaster, a faithless wife and a faculty that has long disdained him.

Due to poor health Andrew is forced to retire from teaching. His wife despises him for his failures and finds consolation in Frank, a younger teacher.

She openly taunts Andrew while Frank watches with shame and disgust. The wife knows she has lost Frank but even more bitter is the realisation that he is now Andrew’s best friend.

Directed by Lesley Jenks, Dirty Business is a topical comedy about council cuts and the cleaning business.

Cuts are on their way big time at the local County Council as it struggles to find ways to meet Government spending targets. Josie and Angela are cleaning the office of one of the Council’s Department Heads one evening when they come across a file which seems to show that their jobs are on the line too. Josie, who has a penchant for malapropisms, and Angela, who is Queen of the pub quiz team, are determined to fight the cuts every inch of the way. And if that means playing dirty, so be it!

Performances will be held at the Queen’s Hall from Thursday 21st to Saturday 23rd February.

For more information and tickets visit: www.cdsweb.co.uk or buy tickets locally from Marcus Grimes on the High Street.