Queen's Jubilee Picnic

Bolnore hosts Queen's Jubilee Picnic - June 3rd 2022

By Louise Smith

What a rollercoaster we have all been on, trying to work out how to live in a pandemic, that is hopefully coming to an end; juggling work, family and friends with bubbles, PCRs and lateral flow tests, who knew I’d ever be writing a sentence like that? I for one have really missed seeing my friends and being part of the ins and outs of their everyday lives and vice versa.

My world has shrunk, to a much smaller bubble and is a lesser life. One of my aims, now we are able, is to grow those relationships back. To nurture them, spend afternoons in the sun playing games, eating picnics and sipping a cool drink or two! So I’m really happy to have an excuse, to be going to the Bolnore Queen’s Jubilee Picnic right here in the centre of the village next month. I’d also really like to see your friendly faces there, so you too can be the makers of a wonderful memory for you, your friends, families and neighbours.

The plan is simple, rock up to the rec, bring food, drink and activities and if you can, be a maker of the best celebration, run a rounders match, throw a frisbee, share your activities with your neighbours. Simple, community led fun for everyone. Starting from scratch post pandemic, this will be the one of a number of events in the village, (the fête will be back on the 16th July) Halloween celebrations and of course the build up to Christmas (yay, join in with a village wide living advent calendar).

More village makers are needed so if you’d like to be involved in creating the one of best places to live, please do join in. So looking forward to see you; I will be the one wearing red, white and blue! The Bolnore Queen’s Jubilee Picnic will take place from 12.00pm on 3rd June at Tim Farmer Recreation Ground, Middle Village, Bolnore, Haywards Heath.