Holy Trinity Church School

Summer holidays at Holy Trinity Cuckfield

The summer holidays are nearly here and, as usual, we are busy planning events for children and their families during this time. For the whole of the holidays there will be a trail around the churchyard, exploring different memorials. You will be particularly looking for different symbols that are the clues to a hidden message.

The beginning of the holidays will see the return of the Theatre Club. Meeting on the mornings of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 24th – 26th July and Thursday afternoon, 27th July, we will create and perform our very own musical production ‘In My Shoes’.

On Sunday 6th August there will be a Family Praise at 11.15am to which all our families are invited.

Later in August, on Saturday 22nd, we will be holding another family sports day at Holy Trinity School, which promises to be another fun filled afternoon. There is more information on the posters. Do come and join the fun.

Holy Trinity Primary School in Cuckfield open a new outdoor classroom

By Jacqueline Elmore

Since lockdown began, forest schools and outdoor classrooms have become popular learning spaces and social hubs for children and teachers alike, not only for their socially distanced practices but also as an educational tool to help inspire children about the importance of open air adventure and the benefits that nature can bring. Holy Trinity Primary School in Cuckfield recently saw the official opening of its first outdoor classroom with school staff, pupils, the Parent and Teacher Association, governors and donor supporters all attending the special event.

The large, seven-acre site that includes woodland, a wildflower meadow, a shallow stream and pond invited local philanthropist Sir Richard Kleinwort to carry out the opening and while doing so he who spoke about the value of nature and of his grandfather, Ernest Kleinwort, who played a vital role in the formation of the World Wide Fund for Nature, now the WWF. Headteacher Ann MacGregor said: “Our children are so fortunate to have such wonderful school grounds, it is vital that we make them an integral part of the children’s day-to-day education. Ever since I became Head of Holy Trinity five years ago, I have dreamt of having a purpose built outdoor classroom, so we could make even better use of the outdoor learning environment. “This beautiful outdoor space will be put to great use, not only in educating our pupils, but also in supporting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of children and adults alike. We are so grateful for the incredibly generous donations and grants which have brought this project to life.”

Speeches were also delivered by four young ambassadors, who told guests what the outdoor facility meant to them and how lucky they were to be able to enjoy the space that so many had worked so hard to achieve. “I think this is wonderful and beautiful. It’s so good for climate change and for me personally, I aspire to be someone who wants to help with climate change; a bit like my dad,” said Luka.

Georgie and Lars, two other members of the young ambassador team, explained their reasons for feeling so connected the new site. “I love the outdoor classroom because one day we were using it I saw a robin perch on a tree nearby and I think that robin was there because it symbolised someone in my family that passed away. The outdoor classroom has become a blessing to me because I saw the robin,” Georgie explained. “I really enjoy the outdoor classroom because it allows you to get really close to nature without disturbing it,” said Lars.

Also in attendance was Dr Paulina Hechenleitner, a specialist in botany and horticulture and a member of the school’s dedicated grounds team. Paulina, alongside teacher Gaby Dobson has been delivering the PTAfunded Forest School sessions to the school children for almost a year now.

Boost for Cuckfield school's outdoor classroom fund

By Sharon Howe

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Following our article in the September issue of Cuckfield Life, we’re delighted to let you know that we’ve recently had some big boosts to our fundraising pot for our outdoor classroom at Holy Trinity.

We want to thank the community of Cuckfield for donating so generously both through our online donation page and supporting us as your charity of choice in the Co-Op’s Local Community Fund.

PTA members Laura Henger and Sharon Stewart, along with Parent Governor Nicola Brewerton, recently attended the Whitemans Green Co-op for the presentation of a cheque for £2,386.05 from the Big Co-Op Payout.

We have also been successful with a £5,000 grant from Southover Manor Trust. This is a charity providing grants and funding for schools, colleges and other educational institutions in Sussex and Brighton & Hove. These contributions, along with previous donations and pledges from the Cuckfield Bonfire Society, Cuckfield Local, Waitrose and other PTA fundraising, are a good chunk of the funding we need, however we still have another £5,000 to go to reach our target. The children and staff at Holy Trinity Primary School are really excited that they could soon be using a new outdoor classroom. We are working hard to get funding for the last £5,000, but the school’s PTA would welcome any donation, large or small, to contribute to our outdoor learning facilities.

Donations can be made via this link: https://bit.ly/34GMHLb