
Doing Halloween Covid-style!


Widely renowned for its celebration of Halloween, Bolnore Village will be changing up the spooky festivities later this month to make it ‘Covid Style’ and safe. Resident Charlie Bancroft said: “Although we won’t be trick or treating I really hope people will still decorate in some way so we can still enjoy all the lovely displays that Bolnore seems to do so well!” The idea is that children (and adults!) do drawings in a similar way to the rainbow drawings which many in Bolnore did at the beginning of lockdown, which can then be displayed in your window. The pieces of art should be up between 25th October and 1st November, so that children can safely walk around the area – dressing up if they’d like to – and look out for the various Halloween-themed posters in windows. Parents walking with the children can then dish out a treat to their own kids for each drawing spotted. And there you have it; a nice and safe way to do your trick or treating this year. There’s plenty of time for you to get creative for your window display!

Bolnore does Halloween!

As is tradition, the residents and friends of Bolnore came out of the woodwork (and coffins!) to celebrate the scariest night of the year – Halloween.

Bolnore enjoys a reputation for putting on a good Halloween show, and this year was no exception.

Alongside the bloodstained porches and cobweb infested hedgerows there were Ghostbusters, a devil on a trike and a couple of dinosaurs out in force on the streets!

Here are a selection of images we’ve been sent to round-up the night.