Future of clair hall

Clair Hall consultation launched


Mid Sussex District Council has launched a 12-week engagement programme. The local community are encouraged to participate and help shape the future of the Clair Hall site in Haywards Heath.

Starting with 12 weeks of varied engagement activities over the course of the summer, the council will seek and listen to the views of the local community about what the Clair Hall site means to them and how they would like it to support and provide for the town in the future.

The engagement will begin with a series of both digital and physical events in July and over the course of the summer the Council will support an evolving and varied consultation programme to give the local community in Haywards Heath a wide range of opportunities to have its say on the future of the site.

It is vitally important that the broadest cross-section of the local community has the opportunity to share their views. The engagement programme will include drop-in sessions, one-to-one meetings, webinars, and a whole host of measures to give everyone in the local community the opportunity to participate.

The aim is to establish how the Council can breathe new life into this gateway site and make sure that it is able to meet the demands and expectations of the 21st Century once it is no longer required as a vaccination centre.

The Council is seeking feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders, including community groups, the town council, and the wider local community. Through this engagement and consultation programme, the Council wishes to fully understand local community use and future demand for services and activities in the town and how that could be accommodated.

At this stage, there has not been any decision made on the future, with the driving ambition of the engagement process to offer the local community the opportunity to inform and shape options and recommendations for this important site.

Details of and ongoing updates on the engagement and consultation programme can be found at https://engage.midsussex.gov.uk/clair-hall