Dame Vera Lynn Children's Charity

Cuckfield Christmas tree collection for charity - January 24

This Christmas we are asking people to support children like Brooks. Brooks was born prematurely at 25 weeks, spending the first six months of his life in hospital. His parents, scared for his future, watched on anxiously, but Brooks was a fighter and survived.

Discharged just in time for his first Christmas, with oxygen and medications, he was unable to mix with others. His first Christmas was bitter-sweet, as his parents knew that any cold or cough he caught could lead back to another lengthy hospital stay.

After hearing of the Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity, Brooks’ started attending services including; physiotherapy, swimming sessions and music therapy. Later he also has home play sessions and most recently speech and language therapy. All services are provided free of charge to families just like Brooks.

In September, Brooks started mainstream school. He is walking independently, enjoying making friends, loves nothing more than sharing a joke and he and his parents have made lifelong friends and connections.

Based in Cuckfield the charity works with children under five with Cerebral Palsy and other motor learning impairments to make the best possible start in life; giving families the support and skills to continue their development at home.

Since 2001 we have supported more than 1200 families from across the South East, supporting around 70 families each week.

This Christmas to help raise money for children like Brooks, the Dame Vera Lynn Charity will be collecting Christmas trees in postcodes across the South East. Each postcode includes at least one family who uses the charity, so you know you are helping a child in your community.

Trees will be collected from driveways and gates and then taken to be recycled, in return for a donation. Please visit www.dvlcc.org.uk to book. Booking required by midnight on Wednesday 3rd January.

Virtual Concert for The Dame Vera Lynn Children's Charity - 12th Dec 2020

Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity Virtual Charity Concert 2020

Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity Virtual Charity Concert 2020

Staplefield charity The Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity are hosting a star-studded concert with a difference, as with almost everything 2020 - it will be VIRTUAL!

But the 20th Anniversary concert will featured a fantastic line up of artists, including: The D-Day Darlings, and guest appearances from Sir Paul McCartney, Aled Jones, Colin Thackery, The Young Generation and The D-Day Juniors.

The virtual charity concert will be held at 5pm on Saturday 12th December 2020 - tickets are just £20 each. Tickets can be bought from here.

Children's Charity Firewalk!

Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity, based in Cuckfield, is putting on a Firewalk at The Farmers Public House in Scaynes Hill on Wednesday 4th November to raise much needed funds. This is a great opportunity to challenge yourself by walking across 20ft of 800 degree coals. Full training beforehand. £25 deposit, which includes a bowl of chilli nachos and drink, with a minimum further sponsorship of £200. Minimum age 16 to take part. All money raised will be supporting under 5s with cerebral palsy and other motor learning impairments. The charity receives no statutory funding and relies entirely on the community to raise its funds. Up for the challenge? Full details on how to sign up below or contact Carole Whorwood on 01444 473274 or email: carole. whorwood@dvlcc.org.uk. The registration form can be downloaded on the website: www.dvlcc.org.uk/events/firewalk