
Cuckfield's local chippy - Cuckfish tells all

By Jacqueline Elmore

You’d be hard-pressed to find a more quintessential or iconic meal in British culture than fish and chips, and in recognition of its popularity, this month the UK will celebrate National Fish and Chip Day helping to secure its position as the nation’s favourite dish.

The humble fish and chip shop made its first appearance in the UK in the 1860s where it became a hearty staple of the working class. During the First and Second World War the supply of fish and chips was protected by the British government and remained one of the few foods that was not subject to rationing. Author, George Orwell, famed for his depiction of English society described fish and chips as a ‘home comfort’ and one that helped to keep the masses happy.

When Cuckfield’s very own fish and shop Cuckfish first opened in 2019, the business faced a number of challenges including problems with planning and its utilities supply, but eventually in the September the shop began welcoming customers; then, just six months after its launch the first national Covid lockdown was announced.

“It took two years for my brother-in-law; Mustafa to finally get this place up and running. There were many hurdles that he had to climb to finally get the shop fully functioning. We had issues with the gas and water supply and the planning permission took a while to sort out too. And once we were allowed to open the doors, bang, COVID came knocking. You couldn’t have made it up. It was a tough time for everyone involved.”

Mustafa handed over the reins of the business to OJ Guncu (and his wife Rosie) a few years ago, and just when they thought that they had turned a corner Russia decided to invade Ukraine impacting the price of food and energy costs the world over.

“My brother-in-law wanted to keep the business in the family so I decided to take it on. But during COVID it wasn’t easy because we kept the shop open throughout that challenging period, and then the war in Ukraine happened which has affected global food prices, so we had to find other ways of keeping the business going.”

Despite the setbacks the catering industry and the world has endured, OJ is still able to see the positive and much of the success of Cuckfish is down to his tenacity, determination and unwavering commitment to the cause…

To read the full, interesting article about Cuckfield’s Cuckfish, pick up a copy of Cuckfield Life today and turn to page 20.

The Cuckfield Village Show is in August this year - 2022

The annual Cuckfield Village Show will take place later this month. Traditionally taking place in September – the event has been moved forward by the organising committee of volunteers under The Cuckfield Society. Although some classes in the competition will have required some effort and planning before now, there is still time for you to get involved, as the closing date for entries is not until 24th August.

If baking is your thing, how about throwing your hat in the ring and trying for The Katie Stewart Cup? This is awarded for the best Victoria sponge cake using the late-great Katie’s classic recipe. Or perhaps you are particularly proud of a photo you took over the Jubilee weekend – maybe even at the street party on the High Street? Class number 48 is a photograph with Jubilee as a subject. But there are also themes of a building, flora and fauna, and a gate or doorway in Cuckfield.

For children (under 14 years old), they can submit ‘Something I Made at School, Three Flapjacks or A Poem – to name only three in the juniors category. You can collect a full show schedule now from shops in the village (Nisa, Candy Store, Cuckfish, Artologie or Co-op), or download from

To enter for one or more classes, simply drop in your entry form and the fee to Artologie no later than 4.30pm on Wednesday 24th August. Admission to The Cuckfield Village Show (held at Cuckfield Baptist Church on Polestub Lane) on Saturday 27th August is free, where you will get to marvel at the skills and creativity of the village, plus enjoy a coffee and cake, or something stronger from the bar. The fun starts at 2pm.

1st Cuckfield Scouts centenary


The Scout group is incredibly excited to be celebrating its 100th birthday! Originally consisting of 18 Boy Scouts, the group was first registered by Scout Master Lawrence Wilfred Siggs in Haywards Heath on 30th September 1921. As one of the oldest groups in the country, 1st Cuckfield Scouts continues to go from strength to strength.

The current troop, led by volunteers from the local community, comprises of over 75 young people, within three sections - Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Today’s Scout leaders support the young people in their development and growth of character and with a sense of purpose, echoing the original aims and values of the Boy Scouts Association.

Young people learn how to be can-doers and give-it-agoers, having lots of fun playing games, working in a team and taking on new challenges, with friends and new acquaintances. To commemorate this significant milestone, the group put on a successful event at Haywards Heath Rugby Club on 1st October. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, their families, as well as wider community members - not forgetting Cuckfield’s very own mayor - came together for a fun-filled afternoon of food (very generously provided by Oxford Knight), drink, games and activities. Funds were raised, which will prove invaluable in securing the continued operation of the group.

Another, slightly less glamorous but no less important, community event took place in the early evening on 13th and 14th September. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts were all busy picking up litter around Cuckfield to help keep our community clean and tidy and to raise awareness about the environment we live in. Mind you, participants all had an added incentive on this occasion, as they were rewarded with fish and chips, which was generously subsidised by Cuckfish. Further information can be found on Donations to ensure that the group continues to flourish are always welcome!