
5 minutes with... Alastair McPherson

Cuckfield Life like to interview residents of Bolnore and find out what makes them tick. Here is May's interviewee - Alastair McPherson...

5 mins with Alastair...

5 mins with Alastair...

Alastair is Deputy Mayor of Haywards Heath. He works in the pharmaceutical industry, plays the piano and violin (not together!) and has a yacht master qualification…

How long have you lived in Bolnore? 14 years

What’s the best thing about being here?
We’re very lucky living within such amazing countryside and woods

Favourite ice cream flavour? Chocolate

How many houses have you lived in? Four

What would you like to see in Bolnore that isn’t here?
A vibrant village centre - with all the shops in use at once - we nearly got there a few months ago!

Favourite holiday destination?
Chanteloup - a Chateau in France where we’ve camped for the last few years and had an amazing time

Song you play the most? Anything from Coldplay

What would you do if you won £1million?
Pay off the mortgage, get a VW campervan and make sure the Woodside is sorted financially… and, with my Councillor hat on, sort out South Road!

What was the last present you gave someone?
Lego Friends Hospital for my daughter’s last birthday

Strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? Octopus Rice in Portugal

Which would you rather give up for a month – TV or music?
TV - I have a picture in my study that reads ‘without music, life would not be fair’

Which App on your phone do you use the most? Sonos

What’s your proudest moment? 
Apart from getting married and the births of my two girls, it was probably the opening of the Woodside

Your advice for life? You can’t complain if you don’t get involved!

If you would like to provide your own answers for 5 Minutes With, simply email them to editor along with a photo of yourself, or do please encourage a friend to send their answers in!

Cuckfield Christmas Street Festival - Fri 8th December 2017

Cuckfield Christmas Street Festival 2017

Cuckfield Christmas Street Festival is a popular event in the village that attracts hundreds of visitors each year who enjoy the true spirit of Christmas, coming together and having fun.

The event on Friday 8th December, starting at 6pm, is organised by Cuckfield Parish Council for the community and coincides with the opening of Holy Trinity’s Christmas Tree Festival. Cuckfield High Street will be closed to traffic for the event and will be managed by marshals, the event finishes at 8pm and the road reopens at 8.30pm.

The High Street is lined with stalls, shops are open and festive music from Mid Downs Radio fills the air. 

There will be street entertainment and carols sung by Cuckfield Baptist Church. Evolution Brass Band kick off proceedings with Christmas cheer followed by the opening address of our newly-elected Mayor, Evelyn Stenning. The craft fair will be located in the Old School next to Holy Trinity Church.

This is also a time for our children to join in and there will be a fancy dress competition. Father Christmas will be there, in his grotto, near the Talbot.

Cuckfield Life Reader Survey 2017

I would love to know what YOU think of our magazine.

I’d be really grateful if you would be prepared to spend just five minutes of your time to answer a few questions about what you like and maybe what you dislike about Cuckfield Life. And, of course, if you have any suggestions about how to make the magazine even better, I’d love to hear those too!

Please complete the survey before 10th March 2017.

You can complete it anonymously if you choose to, however if you would like to be entered into the draw to win a £50 shopping voucher to spend in local shops, then do please give us your name and contact details below.

Thank you!

David Tingley, editor