4Sight vision support

The Clayton Contact Club is looking for volunteers

The Clayton Contact Club is part of 4sight Vision Support, a West Sussex charity supporting people living with sight loss. The club stopped meeting during Covid lockdowns but has now restarted, with 14 members attending regularly. Two are totally blind and the rest are partially sighted. Members are mostly aged over 70, although one or two are just over retirement age.

Club organiser Dorothy Lazenby is delighted that the group’s been able to meet again, and she’s planning a Christmas party for 15th December. 91-year-old Dorothy has been running the club for well over 30 years! “One of my helpers has done 35 years,” she admits, “so she was there before me.” Over the years, Dorothy has witnessed how members value the club. “It’s much more than a lunch club,” she explains, “as we plan activities especially for visually impaired people.” As well as providing a home-cooked lunch, the club provides the opportunity to be sociable. “It’s the chatting that’s important, especially after Covid,” says Dorothy. After lunch, there’s a quiz, and sighted helpers write the answers. “Sometimes we play games with specially adapted dominos or cards,” says Dorothy.

The club covers Burgess Hill, Clayton, and Hassocks. People pay £5 and in return they get fetched, have lunch and tea or coffee. The fee helps cover the cost of the hall. Due to changing circumstances, Dorothy’s two longest term helpers are moving on at Christmas, and she desperately needs more helpers. “I can’t do it single-handed,” says Dorothy. “It isn’t safe, especially given my age, and I must have at least one helper in case something unexpected happens.” Volunteers should be friendly, reliable, and able to set up the tables, help serve the lunches, and wash up. Dorothy continues: “Another driver helper would be super too, particularly if they could help people get to and from the club.”

The club meets at Clayton Parish Hall on a Wednesday, every other week from 10am–2pm. Dorothy would be delighted to talk to anyone who’s interested in volunteering as a driver or helper, or anyone living with sight loss who’d like to attend a trial session. Call Dorothy on 01444 450947.