The new Ansty Village Centre


It has been a long time coming but work on the new Ansty Village Centre is now underway. The project started on the Recreation Ground in January and has had to contend with a variety of challenges including rerouting the sewer across the site, a very wet February and the suspension of work on the timber frame due to Covid-19. Work started to get back on track at the end of April and a concrete platform is now in place and will be ready to receive the timber frame when it arrives on site later this month. The original objective was to complete the new Centre by October 2020. The Ansty Village Centre Trust – the partnership between the Parish Council, the village hall, the sports and social club, and the cricket club – now expects the project to be completed by February 2021. The Trust will then turn its attention to demolishing the existing village hall and social club before extending the car park.

To see what the building may look like complete and to read more about what it will have inside, take a read of July’s issue of Cuckfield Life.