Village Hall Week 2020

Join England’s largest celebration of village halls
National Open Day - Saturday 25th January


Village Hall Week is the inspiration of Action in Rural Sussex (AirS) and part of a national celebration of village halls and the services they offer our community.

Cuckfield Parish Council is joining in the celebrations by offering residents the opportunity to promote your local activities, organisations, clubs, charities etc for FREE by reserving a stall at The Queen’s Hall on Saturday 25th January, between 10am and 1pm.

Tea and coffee etc. will be on sale in the lobby area outside the Main Hall during the event, which will be open to the whole community.

The hall will be open from 9am to set up. Stalls are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

If you are interested in taking part in this event, please send your name, name of organisation and contact details to Jane Forester at Cuckfield Parish Council (01444 454276).