Bolnore CIC: April Update


By Chris Belton

As part of our landscaping work, a number of trees and shrubs have been ‘coppiced’.

As a non-gardener, this was a term I had heard but not fully understood until I saw the outcome from the work this time last year.

It did look as if the trees and shrubs had been reduced to just a few stubs and looked all set to die off. But come the spring and early summer they were beginning to grow. 

The Royal Horticultural Society, who must be the experts in the matter, define coppicing as ‘a pruning technique where a tree or shrub is cut to ground level, resulting in regeneration of new stems from the base. It is commonly used for rejuvenating and renovating old shrubs’. This is, of course, exactly what happened.

The outcome from this year’s activity is much the same and, after several years of neglect by FirstPort, our trees and shrubs will begin to look a lot stronger and sturdier than they have in the past. This can only benefit the plants and at the same time improve the Village.

Whilst on the subject of plants, it is disappointing to see cultivated areas of the Village being ruined by drivers mounting kerbs and planted areas in order to make progress. There is a cost associated with these actions which will fall to residents to cover as our contractors have to make good these areas. I know the streets are not wide and that there are many 90-degree junctions. Is it really that difficult or time consuming to give a little ground and stop the destruction of the Village?

Our regular Residents’ Surgeries continue to generate interest with a number of people attending each session. It is an opportunity to discuss specific issues with Pembroke or to ask general questions about the village with the Community Interest Company Directors. The next session is scheduled for 18th June in the evening in order to facilitate meetings with those who cannot make other times. 

If you live in the Village and would like to become a Director of the Community Interest Company please email estate at for more details.