Cuckfield Village Show to enter new home

By Emma Gosling

Cuckfield Village Show moves to Baptist Church for 2017

Cuckfield Village Show moves to Baptist Church for 2017

The Cuckfield Village Show will take place next month but in a new home. No longer at the mercy of the unpredictable September weather, the show is moving indoors to Cuckfield Baptist Church in Polestub Lane, where we hope it will be as successful as in previous years.The show is open to all ages and all abilities; it is not just for horticulturists! We want to attract participants who grow fruit and vegetables to eat; flowers to make their homes and gardens look attractive; who bake for pleasure; who enjoy flower arranging, photography, painting and handicrafts.

Entertainment will be provided by The Mid Sussex Brass Band. The schedule is available from Wealden Stores, Whiteman’s Green and Cuckfield Candy Store, High St.

Rivalry is sure to be as friendly, but intense as ever. Last year George Baty won the ‘Best in Show’ title for the third year in a row. He triumphed in a number of categories including four white potatoes, four coloured potatoes, two beefsteak tomatoes, cabbage, six shallots and best selection of home-grown vegetables. George even scooped a prize for best portrait in the art and photography category.

And the call is out for all potato and pumpkin growers. Last year there were no entries for heaviest potato or pumpkin, so the award is there for the taking!

Please note the new location (parking available) as well as the later finishing time of 5pm. Good luck to all our exhibitors. We hope you come along and enjoy the fun!

Cuckfield Village Show, organised and run by the Cuckfield Society, takes place on Saturday 9th September 2017 between 2pm -5pm. Admission is £1.50 adults and children go free.