Urgent need: Plea for future Cuckfield mayors

The Independent State of Cuckfield committee are asking for all Cuckfield residents to consider running as a candidate for mayor. The mayoral elections will be held in October and are ‘openly currupt’ as votes are bought for money which is raised for local charities and distributed throughout the year.

In this vein the committee have organised a ‘Meet the Mayors’ event on Saturday 12th July. Gathering from 7.30pm at The White Hart there will be an opportunity to meet mayors past and present plus wine and nibbles for the local crowd. 

It will be a great opportunity to find out what it means to be mayor of the village, hear about the amazing opportunities that such a position affords you and - more importantly - how dirty the campaign tricks can be! Current mayor Mike Schlup’s campaign slogan was ‘Honesty, Integrity & Bribery’!

If you live in the parish and are interested in running for mayor this year and wish to find out more you are encouraged to simply turn up at the event.
Or - if you prefer - you can email the committee at independent_state_of_cuckfield@hotmail.com
to ask any questions beforehand.