Dramatic Breakfast play in Cuckfield

News of the forthcoming Cuckfield Dramatic Society play has been released. The play is “Anyone for Breakfast” by Derek Benfield. It will be performed Wednesday 28th - Saturday 31st May in Queen’s Hall. 

Its a good old farce though not a la Brian Rix. It is extremely funny and fast moving with the inevitable lies, damned lies and confusions.

Tickets will be available from Saturday 10th May from Mansell McTaggart (initial sales at the Cuckoo Fayre stall).


Shirley    Caroline Denholm
Jane    Kirsty Bishopp
Mark    Simon Perkins
Gilbert    Laurence Leng
Helga    Samantha Oliver
Roger    Paul Davey

Harriet Sheldon is directing and rehearsals are under way already.