A Cuckfield/Canadian love story

Daphne Hall (nee Knight) was born at 40 (now 2) Glebe Road, Cuckfield in 1928. Writing in 2008 she remembered: ‘The Canadians held socials and whist drives in the Queen’s Hall, which is where I met my future husband in October 1942 when I was 14. It was the first time I was allowed to go, with my Mum. I was not impressed with this chap who asked me to dance, in his rolled up sleeves and braces showing, so I said NO! He sat beside my Mum and absolutely wooed her off her feet!! He had chocolate bars and cigarettes don’t you know!! Needless to say, he was a steady visitor at our house for many moons. His name was William (Bill) Moldowin.


Read full article on page 32.