Ging Gang Goolie


Are you good with knots, great with numbers or skilled at pitching tents? Then the 1st Cuckfield Scout Troop needs your help!

The Troop is looking for more volunteers to help run its 3 sections - Beavers (age 6 to 8), Cubs (age 8 to 10) and Scouts (age 10 to 14). “We have a great team of volunteers helping to run the different sections and also an executive committee working hard behind the scenes to ensure the group has enough funds,” said leader Mike Schlup. “But the group currently has a long waiting list of children wishing to join and the more volunteers we have then the more chance there is for the boys and girls on the waiting list to be able to join the group.” 

Mike is particularly keen to hear from former scouts or parents whose children have benefitted from joining the scouts. “Many readers of Cuckfield Life will have children who are currently in or have been through one of the Cuckfield Scout sections. Some of you were no doubt Scouts or Guides in your youth (remember the smell of baked beans over the camp fire to the sounds of Ging Gang Goolie?!).


“1st Cuckfield Scouts depends entirely on volunteer helpers to keep going and we are always looking for new faces to get involved. Whether you’re good with knots, great with numbers or know how to pitch a tent, if you’d like to find out more about helping out then please get in touch.”

The group needs fundraisers, quartermasters, a group secretary and helpers to assist each section. Although the roles are voluntary, anyone who helps with the Group will receive a discount on their child’s membership if they join. 

To find out more about joining the 1st Cuckfield Scouts, or if your son or daughter wants to be part of the group then visit, email or call Guy Thornett on 07976 081011.