Family Support Work

Helping those in need at Christmas…

By Rev Michael Maine, Holy Trinity Church, Cuckfield

Holy Trinity School, Cuckfield

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There are over thirty families living with food poverty at our church school and the number is growing. Family Support Work has provided an initial van-load of goods and suggest that we support the school directly, providing both fresh produce and non-perishable goods. It would be very helpful if goods could be delivered to Jane Coan (01444 617158), although she is happy to collect from those who may find this difficult. Goods may also be left in the church tower. Holy Trinity is open daily.

Jane will be delivering fresh produce on Monday or Tuesday afternoons during term-time. Items could include fruit, vegetables, cheese, eggs, yoghurt, ham & bread (with a reasonable shelf-life). Please phone Jane regarding fresh goods. Do not leave in the tower.

Non-perishable food could include tins of baked beans, soup, tuna, sweetcorn, fruit and meat. Also pasta, pasta sauces, rice, dried potato, long-life milk, fruit juice, breakfast cereal, peanut butter, marmite, and jam. Please support this need in our midst, as I know you do in so many other deserving causes.

Fresh goods until 10th December, other goods until 18th December, then collections resuming in the New Year.

...and The Bewbush Academy, Crawley

We have also been supporting The Bewbush Academy throughout the summer, and would like to continue helping those in the most deprived area in West Sussex. Our link for The Bewbush Academy is Rebecca Anderson. Please deliver breakfast and other meal options (non-perishable) to 8 Leyton Lea, Cuckfield and she will take these goods to the school. Rebecca says: “Your £10 or tin of meatballs can make all the difference to a family with an empty cupboard.”

The list of non-perishable foods above may be used for either appeal. Please, let’s make a real difference in these hard times.