Cuckfield Life - the community magazine for the village of Cuckfield

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A new year word from Cuckfield's Holy Trinity Church

Holy Trinity Church Cuckfield, West Sussex RH17 5JZ Tel: 01444 456461 Vicar: Reverend Valentine More information: Churchwardens: Jane Coan and Brian Cutler

Dear friends...

As I write these words, we find ourselves only two days into the year 2024, so allow me to extend my warmest wishes for a happy New Year! This month, I would like to reflect on ‘reflection’. Genuine reflection requires time and mental space. Given the whirlwind of activity and celebration that engulfs us from the middle of November through the early days of January, I wonder how many of us can truly carve out the time and mental clarity needed for some well needed ‘me’ time let alone some time to contemplate God. Speaking from personal experience, I confess that I have struggled to do so as much as I should for the sake of my own well-being. I find solace in the prospect of returning to a more ‘normal’ rhythm of life as we settle into the month of January, and me into a new pattern of ministry in my new home.

But why is reflection so crucial? It serves to make sense of the events that unfold in our lives. Without taking time to reflect, we may drift through life without a clear understanding of our place on the journey or the broader perspective on our experiences. We may become reactive, responding to whatever is immediately in front of us, one thing after another. We might become overly reliant on our devices to dictate our priorities in any given moment, convinced that something pressing always requires our attention.

Yet, God has greater aspirations for us. God encourages us to act from the depths of our hearts rather than reacting merely from our minds. Jesus instructs us to seek God first, assuring us that everything else will naturally fall into place. The world will always demand our attention, offering a constant stream of distractions. However, God is always present, eager for us to participate in the divine work within the world.

The choice is ours: what will we prioritise? As we have recently celebrated the birth of Jesus, let us take a moment to sit quietly and contemplate how this precious gift might transform not only our lives but also the entire world... With New Year blessings Daniel