Cuckfield Life - the community magazine for the village of Cuckfield

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Nominate your community champions

Following the great success of the first Mid Sussex Applauds Awards last year, nominations are now open for 2020. The Awards, organised by Mid Sussex District Council, aim to highlight the fantastic work of individuals and organisations across the district. Through each of the eight categories the Awards seek to recognise our connections and celebrate our community. With categories ranging from young achievers to green champions, those who help support active lifestyles and who work to bring communities together, we hope to highlight all our community VIPs. The categories are: Good Sport Award – a club or individual who has made an outstanding contribution to activity or sport Young Volunteer of the year – recognising those young people who have made a difference Stronger Communities – a community group or organisation that has helped to bring together cultures and communities Young Achiever Award – against all the odds, someone who has overcome significant obstacles and made a positive difference to their own lives or to other young people Take Pride in Mid Sussex – This award will recognise residents who dedicate their time and energy into keeping Mid Sussex clean and green Business in the Community Award – recognising a business which supports or makes a positive contribution to benefit and enhance community life Lifetime Achievement Award – an individual who has made a substantial commitment to the community Stronger Together – an individual who has helped to bring together cultures and communities through a local project or community activity Mid Sussex District Council Chairman Councillor Colin Trumble commented: “2020 has been an exceptionally challenging year for all in the community. I have been extremely impressed at the way organisations and individuals have risen to those challenges giving vital support, especially to those most in need.” Residents are encouraged to take part in the straightforward nomination process, which will be open until 18th September. Just visit for details of how to nominate.

Published in August’s issue of Cuckfield Life.