Cuckfield Life - the community magazine for the village of Cuckfield

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Cuckfield Life magazine print production on pause - 14th April 2020

By David Tingley, editor

With the continued pressure on businesses during this time of the Coronavirus pandemic, it is with much regret that we have taken the decision to temporarily halt the printing and distribution of Cuckfield Life magazines. 

Whilst we would dearly love to continue to bring residents news, information and features as we have done for the last ten years - in reality we are a small business, just like many of our advertisers, and we cannot sustain ‘normal service’ while our income continues to fall. 

However this is short term - and when this is all over, myself and the rest of the team will be raring to go; business as usual. So, watch this space and please bear with us. We’ve already had lots of supportive reactions to the news from our amazing advertisers, which we are grateful for. We hope you, our readers, also understand. 

‘We’ll be back!’ 

Watch this space and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, if you don’t already.