Cuckfield Life - the community magazine for the village of Cuckfield

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Village People: David knows where to go...

By Jacqueline Elmore

Every year, The Queen’s Birthday Honours list confers titles and honours to deserving individuals in recognition of their achievement or service; the most well-known of which are MBE’s, OBE’s and CBE’s.

This year’s list was no exception, making it one of the most diverse with many recipients from black and ethnic minority backgrounds, healthcare workers and school teachers all being acknowledged for their contribution to the country.

In October, Cuckfield resident, David Curtis-Brignell was awarded his very own MBE for services to tourism. His nomination was in recognition of the decades of voluntary work he did in support of the industry.

“I had no idea I had been nominated for the award so when an email from the Cabinet Office arrived, it was a complete surprise. It was lovely to be appreciated for all my years of work in tourism. I felt very proud.”

David grew up in Pembury Kent and attended school in Tunbridge Wells until he was 13, when the family moved to Worthing because of his father’s job.

“That was a difficult time for me. The transition and adapting to a completely new environment was hard because most children had already got their established friendship groups so it was a little alien to me. I decided once my O-levels were finished that that was it; I was going to find a job and go to work.”

David’s very distinguished career in travel began in local government working in established British resorts. One of the most interesting parts of David’s story is how he got there.

“A job came up in the entertainment and publicity department of Worthing Borough Council which meant getting involved in everything to do with leisure and tourism. I was really very lucky because my first boss was an industry guru. He was a legend in the sector and really quite brilliant. He always encouraged me to try new things and to never be afraid to say, ‘I’ve got an idea’.”

It was very varied - David had to buy equipment needed for rehearsing the local team for the BBC’s ‘It’s a Knockout’ and ‘Jeux Sans Frontieres’ programmes.

Later he had 13 weeks looking after the Pavilion Theatre summer season and would get one night off a week – all on top of the day job.

“It was exciting, but that experience is probably what taught me that theatre management wasn’t for me and that I was more interested in marketing and tourism.”

He was also given the opportunity to project lead on major sporting events and created a new summer festival.

[The above is an excerpt from the full article printed in December 2020 issue of Cuckfield Life magazine)