Cuckfield Life - the community magazine for the village of Cuckfield

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Scattered Flea Market - 16th July - Bolnore Village

Bolnore resident Dan Weaver has started what he hopes may become a regular event in the village.

By Dan Weaver

As the days are longer, the attention is drawn to the garage and an opportunity to unpack those final boxes and decide... do I really need these?... are we ever going to use those?... some of these things have got to go!

The realisation of the early morning car boot or time loading single images on to Gumtree sapped my energy... If only they could come to me at a leisurely time.

Within minutes, I had the idea... and posted online... ‘I have an idea for the residents of Bolnore Village to get rid of/sell items from your home, the garden or the garage, and would like some feedback as to whether you think this would be a good idea and if you would participate as a buyer or seller.

Imagine a map of our village with households participating. Like a car boot/garage sale on your drive or in front of your house, and residents walk around the village looking at the items to buy!’

Within a few hours I had approximately 70 likes or positive comments. With the opportunity of selling anything from antiques to cakes, vegetables to clothes, games to furniture, The Scattered Flea Market was born... 

A week later, we had already got nearly 40 households signed up and have been adding more daily. One resident intends to have BBQ for buyers, others cake stalls and ice cream.

There will also be hard copies at the entrances and at strategic points around the village to help navigate.

Potentially, this concept could become an annual event... Possibly doing a late spring-cleaning one and a late summer one that sells seasonal fruit and veg from our gardens. I believe we are extremely fortunate to be part of a community with the potential to do this type of community event.

So if you, too, would like to participate in Bolnore’s first Scattered Flea Market as a buyer or if you’re a resident, a seller, contact email me (  

Please speak to your neighbours too, as they might also want to do this...

Come and discover some treasures between 10am-4pm!