Cuckfield Life - the community magazine for the village of Cuckfield

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Cuckfield Parish Councillor Vacancy

With regret we have to announce that one of our Councillors, Sean Ryan, has made the difficult decision to step down from his position on the Parish Council, effective from 1st January 2017.  

If you would like to consider a role on the Council please look out for the notices that will be displayed around the village in the New Year, as well as on our website  

If you would like further information about the role and responsibilities of becoming a Councillor please do contact Sam Heynes, Parish Clerk, on 01444 451610 or

We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to Cllr Ryan for his contribution to the Council during his time as a Councillor, and wish him all the best in the future.

The full parish council newsletter was printed on page 23 in the Dec/Jan issue of Cuckfield Life magazine.