Cuckfield Life - the community magazine for the village of Cuckfield

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Cuckoo Choir in Cuckfield

By Kate Fleming

Christmas, they tell us, is all about family. Getting together, caring for each other, celebrating, empathising and belonging.If that is so, then Christmas happens early every Friday afternoon in The Old School in Cuckfield whee The Cuckoo Choir meets to sing.

One Friday afternoon, as the time approached to sing in earnest, the pianist Fiona, flourishing in her 80, had not appeared. Everyone was anxious... ’she’s never late’, ’perhaps her car has’, ’maybe she thinks that’. Concern penetrated through the group, and then she arrived, swept in exuding an aura of stardom, sped to the piano and struck the fist chords. Relief, warmth and closeness exploded and the singing began.

This over 60s choir is open to everyone who fits ino that age category, and the range of musicality is extensive – professional, amateur, experienced, non-experienced. The only requirement is a love of singing and an appreciation of friendship and companionship. They gather early for tea, biscuits and plenty of chat then, after an hour or two of singing, adjourn to The Talbot for something to relax and nurture those stretched and weary vocal chords.