Cuckfield Life - the community magazine for the village of Cuckfield

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Staplefield Village Fete

By Maggie Chamberlain

Despite the dismal weather there was a good turnout for the Staplefield Village Fete  and Car Show held on the late May bank holiday Monday. In true British spirit people from near and far donned wellies  and wet weather gear determined to enjoy themselves, ensuring  that the afternoon was a triumph over adversity. 

The fete was declared open by the Rt Hon Nicholas Soames MP who with his family attend the event every year and counts it among his favourite village fetes. We were grateful to  local residents Susannah Constantine and Lesley Hextall for judging the dog show (sponsored by Cuckfield Pet and Country store) and actor/scriptwriter Clive Panto who gave a lively and  hilarious commentary throughout the afternoon lifting everyones spirits. The children enjoyed the ‘Do Stuff Bus’ too. 

At one point it seemed that a new competition was in progress ‘How many people can you fit in a Beer Tent’ as people cosied up to escape the elements!

The Car Show organised by John and Lindy Stevenson continues to draw superb entries every year and the stars of the show this year were undoubtedly the Jaguar SS100 and Bugatti Type 49.

Beneficiaries of the proceeds include St Marks Church, the village hall and other local worthy causes. 
If you are interested in participating in next years event please contact me on 01444 484825.